Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ginni Thomas speaks with woman who implies President Obama is a tyrant...

and that America needs to turn back to God and away from secularism.

And Mrs. Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice, Clarance Thomas, agrees.

In an interview for her column in The Daily Caller that was published on Sunday, Ginni Thomas asked anti-choice crusader Lila Rose of Live Action how to “stop the erosion” in America’s culture. 

Rose predicted that history books would say that the U.S. “wandered from our principles, but we came right back to them.” According to Rose, those principles mean that “god is a higher power than any man-made structure of government.” 

 “There is a natural law out there that is higher than government, than man-made law,” she explained. “That’s what we need to return to.” “And so this idea that government is secular, and we have our faith over here, no!” Rose continued. “Secular is somehow saying there is no God, there is no higher power, there is no higher law. 

You can’t say that because when you have a tyrant in power, which you often sadly do — and I believe there’s aspect of tyranny of who’s in power now in our country — then whole groups of people, their dignity is not respected, their rights are not protected. And you have human rights abuses.” “We have to go to what are the natural rights, and what is natural law.”

Lila Rose is ignorant.  The U.S. Constitution is the basis of U.S. law, and nowhere in it is there a reference to a "higher power," "God," or "faith."  And no matter how hard people like Rose, and her friend Mrs. Thomas, try, the U.S. Constitution will not bend to their religious wills.

Also, Lila Rose needs to move to North Korea so that she understands what living under a real tyrant is all about. Her implication that President Obama is a "tyrant," is further evidence of her looney beliefs and partisan hackery. And shame on Mrs. Thomas for her complicity in that implied slander.

The U.S.A. is a secular government which, by law, does not favor any religion.

Americans are free to practice their religious beliefs without interference by the government, but some religions want to impose their tenets on everyone because they truly believe that's what their God wants and they mistakenly believe that's what the Founding Fathers wanted. They forget that there are many religious beliefs in this country, and even millions of Americans who hold no religious beliefs.

There are millions of Americans who see no "erosion" in America's culture, in fact, millions see the acceptance of equality in marriage, diversity, and compassion for those less fortunate than they are as signs that America is becoming a more perfect union.  

Embracing dignity for all citizens is an American value.  


Les Carpenter said...
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Anonymous said...


the opposite of anti-choice is pro-choice, therefore, the opposite of anti-choice crusader is pro-choice crusader.

Ducky's here said...

Ah, Lila Rose. A student of the James O'Keefe school of Breitbart journalism.

This is what passes for informed comment.
I still get curious about their idea of natural rights. It took man a while to progress from natural rights to the social contract and legal rights.
Ginni Thomas's husband may have some tenuous understanding of legal rights.

Infidel753 said...

As a general principle, if you can publicly denounce the leader of your country as a tyrant and not be arrested, he probably isn't one.

Les Carpenter said...

Thankfully the freedom of political speech aspect if our constitution has not yet been overturned. I'm confident there are those who might be gratified if it were.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Who would be gratified if freedom of speech were lost? I don't get how that has anything to do with this post. Nothing in it says anything about closing down a person's right to be wrong on a subject. What am I missing?

Doctor Tomato said...

Oh FFS! Those extremist religionists are always blubbering about how ungodly America's become since the blah guy made it into the "White" House.

PS> Congrats to President Obama on achieving 7+million and meeting the enrollment goal for Obamacare!

The Rethugs were calling Obamacare a failure for so long they believed it until reality hit them between their lying eyes.

Les Carpenter said...

Oops, what I753 said.

Stupid things Conservatives say said...

"...everyone and their brother is pointing out obama's complete lack of competence in all things white house, foreign policy, etc, it is Undeniable that barack obama (barry soetoro) is a Moron.

Get that? obama is a Moron. Ok ? Good. Now, let's move on."

Don't forget peeps these people want to run the country.

Infidel753 said...

Shaw: Who would be gratified if freedom of speech were lost?

Plenty of religious nuts, like the ones calling for blasphemy laws to be brought back or the ones who were calling for the murder of Danish cartoonists a few years ago.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Infidel753's link above:

“Noah” is an insult to Bible-believing Christians, an insult to the character of Noah, and most of all, an insult to the God of the Bible. As a result, I believe Hollywood will have a much harder time in marketing future biblically themed movies to Christians.
- Ken Ham, president of Answers In Genesis, Time Magazine March 28, 2014

Do people like Ham actually think that the entity they believe created everything from vibrating strings to multiverses is such a small, grouchy, and jealous a character that it would get angry over how a Hollywood movie depicts a story from the Bible?

Truly these people have made God in their own image!

Les Carpenter said...

Moon over myhammy. By Kenbeenham.

Anonymous said...

"Everything done by the Regime turns out to be a complete disaster, and when it's possible to skew or fabricate numbers to cover for their failures, that's exactly what the Obama Regime does," Chambers wrote. "This magic seven million Obamacare signups is no different than anything else reported by the Regime. Completely fraudulent, fake, and phony." --Dean Chambers, GOP A-hole

okjimm said...

well, I for one really like secularism. I have a seculary for my books, a seculary for my CD's and was gonna get one for my spices, too!

...and I LIKED 'NOAH'...especially when they hit the ice berg.

BB-Idaho said...

Given that there are just under a million different animal species, I'm wondering how Noah got two of each on his yacht?

Anonymous said...

Those who would break down the barriers between church and state should imagine the religion they dislike the most, having total control over their lives. This will definitely be the case for someone. The idea we need to abandon secular government, is too juvenile for words.

okjimm said...

BB...he borrowed an extra boat from Pat Robertson